Online resources for kids aged 4-10

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It was the start of the School holidays that Daisy asked me if she could go online and ‘learn something’. I must say I panicked a little – to this point the extent of her time online was to do Reading Eggs and Mathletics as part of her School learning and I had no idea where else to send her. So of course I did what I normally do when I don’t really know the answer, I asked Facebook. And Facebook delivered. We had a selection of websites that both Harper and Daisy could access and learn from as well as play games.  I got some quiet time to get stuff done, and they were  also good enough for me to sit down with the girls and do together.

BBC Bitesize

The UK version for School kids you can choose the level that you want to access and play games in Maths or Science. Daisy enjoyed the spelling games. Check it out here.

PBS Kids

A US website with some greats game for littler ones (Harper liked the Cat in the Hat especially) based around TV shows. Check it out here.

National Geographic Kids

We accidentally discovered this one on google and it’s been fantastic for my animal loving 7-year-old. Videos, games, jokes and plenty of things to learn along the way. Check it out here.

Study Ladder

We haven’t yet ventured onto this one but it was highly recommended by quite a few people out there. Over 10 subjects for kids aged from Preschool to grade 6 and all approved by teachers. Check it out here.

Storyline Online

Daisy came home from School with this one a few weeks ago and both girls happily sit down and watch videos of actors reading out stories. Suits 4-7 and probably even younger. Check it out here.

ABC Splash

This is the Australian ABC site the step up from Giggle and Hoot that I didn’t even know about. Covers Primary & secondary schools with videos, games and events. Reminds me of BTN (Behind the News) remember that show? Check it out here.

I’m sure there are so many more out there that I would love to hear about. We don’t spend all that much time online…the girls are home from School and usually go and play, eat some afternoon tea, do homework and then it’s time for dinner/bath and bed so the only real time is spent on the weekends or the occasional morning if there is time.

Got any sites you’d like to share?
How much time do your kids spend online?


  1. This is so helpful, thank you! My 7 year old son has been asking exactly the same thing and I’ve been reluctant to let the kids have too much computer time. These sites look great though.

  2. Alli @ ducks on the dam says

    There is an app for the Melbourne museum which is fabulous. Takes you through the museum, videos, click throughs – my girls love it

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